Sunday, April 30, 2006

Poor Kieffer....

Well our friend Courtney pointed out that Kassie had made the blog....but poor Kieffer had been neglected. So, he has now made his official debut!! He was very excited about taking his picture as you can tell. Thanks Courtney!!

One of those days....

Well today has been a test of patience. You know when you have one of those days where everything seems to go wrong....dropping things, spilling things, late places, in an unexplainable bad mood.....I hate those days! Well...I am trying to turn it around. I feel bad for Miss Kenna....I try not to take it out on her....because it sure isn't her fault. We went and ate at a Mexican foor restaurant in East GF, because Keith hadn't eaten there before. The service stunk and I kept having to ask for water refills....(maybe people up here don't drink that much water and she wasn't used too it?? haha!) Anyway...don't know if I will be going back there any time soon. I got a chile relleno...and let's just say it was NOTHING like what they are supposed to look like. It was a thin omelet with a chili in the middle. (weird)

The picture I attached is one of her jumping in her jumper this afternoon. Keith put a cloth napkin on her head....because he thought it would be funny. She did look pretty funny....the picture doesn't quite do it justice!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Well yesterday, Kenna and I consigned some more stuff at the Thrift store, came back so she could take a nap & eat, then we went back to the thrift store to volunteer for about an hour & 1/2. Then we ran some errands and went home. Keith came home at a decent time (since he went to work at 6am) and so we got to hang a little before I left for TX Hold Em. Tx Hold Em was at a girl's house in town....and we carpooled to it. It started at 7pm and I didn't get home until about 12:15am. I lost (of course)...but at least I wasn't the 1st to go out....right?! (Sorry Dawn....haha...she went out 1st) It was fun and we laughed quite a bit. I thought poor Kenna had a cold....but I am pretty convinced it is still her has just gotten worse. On top of that....she is teething. She is a trooper though!! Today Keith, Kenna and I went to Grandma Butterwicks restaurant...(haha....yes that is the name) for breakfast. It was good...and then we went and ran some errands and are now home. We plan on eating at Suite 49 tonight. I have only been there once and it was for we will see how it is at dinner.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Today was a little more encouraging in my qwest to find a gym that I like and that also provides childcare for Kenna that I am happy with. I went to the YMCA today, and I went to a Cardio Express class while Kenna went to the nursery. She was the only child! Yipee! I know that isn't going to always be the case, but it was a good way to ease her in. The class was good that I thought I was going to visit the bathroom a couple times. It is humbling how out of shape I am. When I picked up Kenna, a girl was rocking her in a rocker and she was almost alseep. (fighting it of course, because even with no other children there....she could still possibly miss something!) So I gathered her up and we ran one more errand and went home. I asked them if they needed CPR instrcutors and the guy said as a matter of fact they did. The lady that had been doing it was now going to be the full time head softball coach at UND, and would be quiting. The guy I need to talk to about it is on vacation and I will talk to him when he gets back. The good deal is that not only would I get paid to teach (who knows how much....probably pocket change), but I would also get my Y membership for free! Yeah! That would save me $38 a month right there too! I went to bible study last night while Keith watched Kenna. The men are no longer meeting....since no one is showing up but Keith & one other guy. Keith took Kenna on a bike ride again...and the poor thing fell asleep. I knew she would...she was due for a catnap at that time. Keith said she was a little moody the rest of the he got her ready for be shortly after. Let's hope she wakes up in a better mood this morning! :o)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

We splurged....

Well we went to church this morning and class and the sermon were both good. Kenna went to Cradle Roll...and that went well too. Keith led singing this morning and it went well. He said it was an off day for him.....but we are always are own harshest critic. After church, about 10 of us went to eat at Applebees. The food was good, but the waiter was not. Afterwards, Keith and I decided to splurge on an item that Kenna and any future children could enjoy. Above is the picture of Keith and Kenna enjoying it!! It also quickly changes into a jogging/walking stroller, which I am excited about. It also carries two children, which is why Kenna is off to one side :o) It also has netting which will fend off the crazy horse mosquitos that are soon to come and a rain cover for bad weather. It will also handle the trails by our house a lot better than the Graco stroller that I have been using. It is more for mall walking....not off roading!! So....hopefully it will have many more good days of usage to come!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Kenna playing

Kenna was playing on the floor, rolled over and got her head stuck in this bucket. She thought it was pretty funny and rolled back over to look at me. I had to catch it on camera!!

I am beat!

Well today was a busy day. It started out by having to wake poor Kenna out of bed (hence the picture) so we could hurry and get ready to leave for M.O.P.S at 8:30am. (Mother of Preschoolers). They had a big Mother's appreciation tea. They had all sorts of food, tea and coffee there this morning and they had a couple women get up and speak about their lives and hardships and how God helped them through the storm. One girl then played "The Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns....I love that song. It made me cry.....which it has done before. They had two different sets of people sing some songs for us and we watched a short video which was really cool....about how when we are in the storm and the rain is beating down...we wish we could get home, and wonder why we were even out in the rain to begin with? Why did our Father "allow" us to get stuck in the rain? It pointed out that our Father always gets us home, dry and safe....and that when we look back, we wouldn't trade the storms of life for anything. They are always an opportunity for growth. The video did a much better job of explaining the point....but that is the jist. I met several ladies and they meet two more times next month before they break for the summer. Anyway....before all that....we first arrived at the church and I took Kenna out of the car seat and suddenly realized why she had been so quite in the back of the car all the way into town!!! She had pooped....and not just pooped, but pooped out the back of her diaper, up her back, and all over her shirt and pants! What a way to start the morning, right??!! I think Satan was trying to get me in a bad mood. Luckily I had a change of clothes and was able to semi-fix the situation. After the brunch, Kenna and I had to get to Lunch Bunch, which I had organized. It was at Suite 49, which is located next to the Ralph Engelsted Hockey Arena. Lunch was good...I had a mushroom/havarti buffalo burger. I fed Kenna before I ate....and as I was sitting there...I thought I would let her lick the pickle I had on my plate. She was liking it....go figure, and then she pulled back and was making a horrible face. I thought she was just grimacing because of the sourness.....not so. Before I knew it, she was projectile throwing up onto the floor. I looking down and there was a piece of pickle in with all the milk she had drank. NICE mom!! I let her get a piece of pickle off and she choked on it!!!!! I was so embarrased and felt like a heal. I am sure everyone thought I was a dork for letting her do it in the 1st place (which I was) Oh well....I hope I have lived and learned! Then after lunch...I thought about going out for more errands....but decided after the way the day had been going, I better just go home. I was beat and the day wasn't even half over!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

And the Thunder Rolls....

Our Guard Dog!!!

"And the thunder rolls, and the lightening strikes" that isn't just a Garth Brooks song....that is also the weather here tonight. You can see our biggest baby in the house LOVES thunder and lightening! haha! She is pitiful! Well...Kenna and I did a lot of running around today. We went by our cable company, Wells Fargo, Sam's, Target, Applebee's for lunch with Dawn & Addy, and got our oil changed. Kenna was a trooper through it usual. This evening we played and daddy is studying some fitness stuff for a certification he would like to get. is quite exciting at the Prince house! haha....not really. Tomorrow I have a meeting in the morning and then need to run errands on base. Another day in the life of a Grand Forks-ian.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The IKEA Bargain!

Here is the bargain bookshelf we got at IKEA!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Rain Forest Cafe

Kenna is fascinated by the fish in the aquarium!!

Weekend in Minneapolis

Well, we got back from our shopping weekend this evening. Kenna did very well on the way up there and back. I was once again impressed with her! She slept for a total of 3 hours both ways!! The Mall of America was very neat and big as I would have expected. We met Marsha and her family Friday night to eat at the Rain Forest Cafe....I think it is my 5th or 6th time to eat there....just not in Minn. It was good, but expensive. I had a shrimp platter and Keith got a burger. Kenna loved looking at all the jungle leaves and animated animals. She absolutely loved the many fish aquariums. As she was staring at the fish, a big one swam quickly at her and she jumped like a mashed cat. She started to cry and we had to comfort her. I guess she thought that big o' fish was going to get her!! ha! Keith and I didn't buy too much.....just some clothes for Kenna (too hard to resist) and then we went to IKEA. We got a GREAT deal there. I had been wanting to get a bookshelf to replace the one in her room. It was too small and unsafe. If she were to pull up on it, she and the whole shelf would tumble on her. Not we found one at IKEA. It is normally $180, but it was in the clearance bin because the box was torn up. They had it marked to $80, then $60, then the day we were there....they marked all clearance to 1/2 off!! So we got it for $30!!! YEAH for bargins! We then got Kenna a small desk and chairs for $29. It is a natural wood color. I can either keep it like that....or paint it. We'll see. We liked our hotel which was nice and also very close to the Mall of America. So, when we go back....we will try to stay there again. Kenna swam for her very first time in the pool of our hotel. She loved it and it was fun to watch her. She is a fish and I can already tell she will be great at swimming!! She is a natural! (I wonder where she gets it??...haha) Overall, we had a good weekend and didn't spend too much money!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bunco time!

Yesterday was a pretty busy day. I straightened yesterday morning and then took Kenna to a playgroup on base. It was nice to get out and time went by much faster than sitting at home. I then got home and did last minute food prep for bunco. Keith watched Kenna while I went to bunco. Last night I was a co-host with Marsha. I brought little smokies, meatballs, a vegetable tray, pasta salad, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies bars, Mucnies mix and some oreos. And that was just what I brought! Marsha made deviled eggs, these jello treats, bread, pepperoni bites, fruit salad and cheese balls. Needless to say we had plenty of food. We had the most amount of people last night that we have ever had. We had 24 people. It was fun.....but it is not quite as relaxing to host an event than it is to just go and enjoy. So.....I didn't really feel like last night was an escape to relax by any means. Oh well! At least other people could. turn is over with and I was able to relax at all the others! Tomorrow we leave for Minnepolis and the Mall of America!! Whew hew! Watch out world! Hopefully Kenna does well.....we would like to do a lot of mini trips. Stay tuned to see how it goes!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Having a tough time

Well....Kenna and I have been having a tough time together the past few days. We haven't been arounf anyone else like we are used too. We are so much alike and we both crave outside attention and interaction. Needless to say, we are sick of each other and need a break. We finally got one tonight. Kenna stayed with daddy, while I went with the Mission Support Group Spouses to Konechewa's restaurant. It was good.....but over priced in my opinion. I had fun visiting with ladies older than 5 months! I got home and heard that Kenna enjoyed hanging out with her daddy too. I think I just get to be old news sometimes. On the good side, we got DVR....which will be so much easier than dealing with tapes!! I also went to the Thrift store today and put some things on consignment. I am hoping to get a few bucks out of the stuff that we just had lying around. They gave me a hard time when I showed up, accusing me of owning a shoe store! Haha! I told them that was just a drop in the bucket! Tomorrow is a busy day....we will see how it goes!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Kenna's stroll around the neighborhood

Here is Kenna starting to sit like a BIG girl!!

Price you pay for fun!

Well scrapbooking last night was fun, but I always pay the price for staying up until 1:00am. I am good until about 4:30-5pm and then the fatigue hits me. Too bad though, because Kenna does not slow down for anyone or anything! I completed 8 pages which doesn't sound like a lot, but believe me in the scrapbooking world it is a lot! Today Keith and I went to town and ran around and went to see "Failure to Launch" while Marsha watched Kenna. She said it went that was good!! We want her to do it again some time! When we finally got home around 4pm....Keith washed the Mountanieer, while I took Kenna for a walk in her stroller. She sat like a big girl in the stroller for the first time. The weather was really pretty today and I have heard it will be even better next week! We will see if the weather men get this one right!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Kenna is a natural born shopper!!

Kenna's shopping outfit today!

Bunco prizes are bought!

Well, Kenna and I just got back from buying bunco prizes with that is finished. Now I just have to get groceries and make all the goodies for next Wednesday's bunco! I also bought some material to attempt to make a BIG blanket just like Kenna's small fancy taggie blanket that we got at Allie G's in Lubbock. (That fancy kid's boutique) It is just so soft, that I thought she needed an adult size one!! Tonight I am going to another scrapbook-a-thon with my friend Dawn until midnight. I suprisingly did not have a hard time staying up for the last one....instead I was WIRED when I tried to go to bed at 1:30am!! We'll see what happens tonight.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Another day....

Well...I had my Officer's Spouse Club board meeting this morning and then I went to the Dr on base to get a referral for my TMJ. The dentist downtown confirmed that I had it yesterday, and now I am trying to make sure everything gets paid for. The housing maintenance came to the house and did their annual furnace inspection this afternoon and then Kenna and I went to Keith's volleyball game this evening. Sadly they lost. Tomorrow morning Marsha and I are going into town to purchase the remaining bunco prizes for next week's game. The family just came in from throwing the ball to Kassie, which is why Kenna and I are bundled in this picture.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

5-month pictures

Preview of Kenna's 5 month Target pictures!

Shwew!! The things we do for beauty and to help a friend!

Well...Sara and Matty came over last night (Sara didn't plan on bringing Matty, but that is another story) to wax my legs and armpits. It was an experience. Sara thought I was a wimp....but after much discussion, we decided some people can handle different kinds of pain differently. Like me, I thought the legs hurt like nobody's business and armpits were fine. Sara thought the opposite. Also....I thought childbirth with the help of an epidural was a cakewalk.....Sara didn't think so. Soooo....moral of the story is, we all hurt differently. (That is profound...I know. HA!)

Kenna's 5 month pictures went well and she made it hard to choose a pose once again!! I tell ya, by the time she is 1 year old....she is gonna be striking a pose like there is nothing to it, voge (hey isn't that a song...hehe). I will have to post the pic when we get them in two weeks, which seems like forever and is already half way to her next picture session!!!

Today I have to go to the Dentist for possible TMJ. I am dropping off Kenna at Vanessa's house (from church) while I get that done. Tonight is the 2nd session of the bible study I am leading. The last one went well...but you always wonder what the other ladies are really thinking, whether they like the book, and whether they are going to get as much out of the study as I did. I have come to the conclusion I have no control over it!! It is out of my hands.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Kenna playing at Dawn's house.....

Pretty busy day!

Well...Kenna slept alot better last night. She went to bed at 9:15pm and is still asleep! And on top of that...she took two 2 hour naps yesterday! Yeah Kenna! It helps if she is at home in her bed....but I am always out and about so it isn't always possible. Today Kenna takes her 5 month pictures at Target. Before that daddy is going to try and come home to watch Kenna while I go work out. Yesterday was my first workout day and I am officially off of Dr. Pepper. I am sad! I will miss it! Diet is not the same! After we takes pictures, Kenna and I are going over to Dawn & Addy's house to hang out. Then we have to run back home to meet Sara here. She is going to school to work at a spa for facials, waxing, etc....pampering. So....I have been growing out my leg and armpit hairs for three weeks. (I know....more information than you wanted to know!! HA!) But I will be glad when it is gone tonight!! (Keith will probably be even happier than me!) I have never had my hair I am a little nervous about the pain. But after just having a baby, surely anything else would be cake, right? I will let you know. Stay tuned, for I will post a picture this evening!!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mommy & Kenna

Don't freak out because she doesn't have socks on! It was warm and we were only out for a few minutes!!

Potluck Sunday!

Today was potluck Sunday....which always means good food and fellowship at church. I made a southwestern ranch chicken pasta. Keith led singing....which went well. Kenna got passed around a bunch from arms to arms and she still isn't too picky about who holds her (unless she is tired or hungry...then she just wants what she wants!!) But who doesn't right? Yesterday the family went into town to shop around....but nothing too exciting. Last night was a bath night for Kenna....which always makes me smile. She is quite the splasher and I can't wait to take her to the base indoor pool. She just woke up from an hour and 15 minute nap....which is really good for her!! Tonight is bible study at 6pm, so we will head back into town at 5:30pm.