Thursday, September 24, 2009

8 months preggo (32 weeks)

(Since Keith is at work....I had Kenna take this picture....hence the low angle....but not bad for a 3 year old!!!) I am 32 weeks or 8 months pregnant. I feel pretty good.....I had a week where I wasn't feeling so hot....but I think I have had to learn to slow down and what I CAN and CAN NOT do :o) Or I pay the price...and so does everyone else! ha! I went to the Dr last week...and the baby belly grew 5 inches in a month and I only gained it wasn't me that grew!! (Or last month at least!!) So....the baby is of course still measuring big.....hence the reason the Dr has broken down and scheduled a ultrasound for a week & 1/2 from measure the size. So....I will keep ya posted. I am sure it will be big...which is no surprise :o) How big is the question I guess. Pretty bad when your hubby sends you an email with a picture of a baby in Indonesia that was born today at 19.5lbs....and says "at least it shouldn't be this big!" Very least that woman had gestational diabetes to blame her big babies on! I don't! :o)

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Daddy Date Movie/Camp-in Night

Last weekend I had bunco and Keith planned a camp-in night/movie night for the kiddos. He pitched a tent in the living room, let the kids pick out movies at Blockbuster, and had a serious snack spread. The kids were sooooo excited and loved every minute of it. Kenna picked a Hello Kitty movie and Konner picked Wow Wow Wubbsy.