Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day!

If you look really close at the picture below, you can see her first two teeth!!! Yeah Kenna!!! What a big girl you are!!!
Well.....we have enjoyed spending time with our hero this weekend. We went over to Dawn's house to bbq and watch a movie. We had fun and were able to put Kenna to sleep over there while we watched Family Stone. Dawn snapped some great picture while we were over there and here are a few.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Pictures from our last visit to Dawn's house!

A little behind!

This is what happens when daddy watches Kenna! Ha! Snug as a bug in a rug!!!
Kenna falls asleep VERY comfortably....
The Wicked Witch of the West and Johnny Appleseed!!

Kenna eating sweet potatoes !!

Whoops...I am a little behind! Last week Kenna and I volunteered at the Thrift store on base, went to the escape zone that they just opened for parents and their kids, went to bunco Wednesday night, and TX Hold EM Friday night. We had to dress up as a celebrity on Friday.....I had a hard time thinking of someone and no money to buy anything with. Soooo I went as the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz...and as you can see Marsha was Johnny Appleseed. Saturday we pretty much lounged around the house and then went to eat with Heather & Dave (our neighbors). Yesterday.....we went to church as usual....and the day went well!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!

Well, the Prince family had a fun weekend. We had Eric and Kathy (our old neighbors from Utah) over for the weekend. We had lots of fun, went to the movies, ate, and laughed a lot at each other! I woke up this morning and Keith had spent several hours last night making a huge Mother's Day sign by free hand and it was hanging in our hall. It was a nice suprise!! He also wrote a letter to me from he and Kenna. He wrote most of it from her perspective and it was VERY sweet. It was sorth way more than anything he could buy me! He is also allowing me to get my hair done while he watches Kenna. So it was a very nice 1st Mother's Day for me!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Kenna after morning church service....

Well...yesterday was kind of a crazy and hectic....but over all good day. Last night ended on a not so good note.....but at least the majority of the day was good. Kenna screamed at the top of her lungs all the way home from church. I haven't heard her cry like that since I don't know when!!? Today we have Kenna's 6-month appointment, so hopefully all goes well and she doesn't get too much of a fever from her vaccinations. Yuck! Why is it always me that gets to enjoy that fun task with Kenna??!! I guess that is the perks of being a mom! Keith is out of town and won't be back until Friday. He is gone for a I am counting down the days. I know it is sad....but a week seems like a long time with an infant!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Kenna is on the move!!!

Well...I haven't checked in this week very well...sorry! It has been pretty busy, but I have had worse weeks that is for sure. Kenna has had a sinus infection and I had to take her to the Doctor. They increased the dosage for the antihismine she was already on and put her on a antibiotic. Poor gal....those stupid allergies! She happened to go to the Dr on her 6 month b-day...and she weighed in at exactly 20lbs. She goes in for her official 6 month appointment on Monday and we will see if she weighs the same and also what her length is. We went over Dawn's this week and hung out once, I went to an OSC charity meeting yesterday morning, and last night I went to bible study while Keith took Kenna around town. Today I had an OSC board meeting where we also revealed our secret pals for the past year. At 3pm this afternoon Keith and I met with the District Manager of First Command for my 2nd interview. I am very torn. We are definitely waiting until next week to make any decision until we find out whether or not Keith will have a job in the Air Force come September! Tonight, Keith had a make-up guitar lesson while Kenna and I went and ran errands. We then picked him up and went and ate dinner. So, there you have it. Teh exciting run down of my week. Tomorrow night we are haing the Rogness family and the Stewart family over for dinner. There will be a total of 5 adults and 4 children. I just hope I make enough food! Stay tuned!
By the way....poor Kenna got a scratch on her face this week. She was laying on the floor and Kassie accidently got up and scratched her. She looks like a rough & tough little gal now!

Monday, May 01, 2006

What a BIG helper!!!

She helped seperate the whites from the colors...haha!

Here is Kenna helping mommy with laundry!