Kenna is on the move!!!
Well...I haven't checked in this week very well...sorry! It has been pretty busy, but I have had worse weeks that is for sure. Kenna has had a sinus infection and I had to take her to the Doctor. They increased the dosage for the antihismine she was already on and put her on a antibiotic. Poor gal....those stupid allergies! She happened to go to the Dr on her 6 month b-day...and she weighed in at exactly 20lbs. She goes in for her official 6 month appointment on Monday and we will see if she weighs the same and also what her length is. We went over Dawn's this week and hung out once, I went to an OSC charity meeting yesterday morning, and last night I went to bible study while Keith took Kenna around town. Today I had an OSC board meeting where we also revealed our secret pals for the past year. At 3pm this afternoon Keith and I met with the District Manager of First Command for my 2nd interview. I am very torn. We are definitely waiting until next week to make any decision until we find out whether or not Keith will have a job in the Air Force come September! Tonight, Keith had a make-up guitar lesson while Kenna and I went and ran errands. We then picked him up and went and ate dinner. So, there you have it. Teh exciting run down of my week. Tomorrow night we are haing the Rogness family and the Stewart family over for dinner. There will be a total of 5 adults and 4 children. I just hope I make enough food! Stay tuned!
By the way....poor Kenna got a scratch on her face this week. She was laying on the floor and Kassie accidently got up and scratched her. She looks like a rough & tough little gal now!