Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stinkin blog!

Sorry its been a while....the blog keeps being finicky!! Not much going on except preparing for Keith to deploy. YUCK!! He leaves in two weeks....and I am really trying not to think about it. I don't like the idea of being a single parent for 4 1/2- 6 months. Not my idea of fun!! Poor Keith is gonna miss the kids big time.....glad its not me!! I haven't been away from Kenna for more than 16 hours! And not more than 3 hours from Konner! (not is not gonna get better until he stops needing me as a food source......he is not taking a bottle!) UGH!! Here are some recent pics of the kiddos.

In other news, Keith turned 30 last week, Konner had his 2 month check up and is 15 lbs and 10 weeks old, Kenna is 29 lbs and 17 months old, and I am 30 and .....just kidding....I wouldn't dare divulge that information!! haha!

Today it is snowing and it is only 4 days until Easter!! That is crazy...what is up with the weather!!!???