Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What a fun day!!!

Happy Halloween everyone.....and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to KENNA!!!!!! She was born 2 years from today! Seems like yesterday....literally. She is such a sweet hearted girl....I love her soooo much!!! She has watched this one episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse a thousand times....but every time Pluto gets his feelings hurt and walks off sulking....she crys for him. She comes to me crying and wants to know Pluto will be ok. Too cute.

This year I started the tradition that my mom did for us all growing up....and decorated Kenna's room while she was sleeping so she would wake up to a surprise. She woke up and loved the balloons and banners. She opened her presents and then went to the Escape Zone to play. We are hopefully going to take a nap and then go trick-or-treating at the health clinic....then we are off to a Halloween party in town. Kenna's b-day party isn't until Saturday....and I think I over did it.....but you only turn 2 once...right?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We love fall!!

About to take off on the hayride.....look at that BLACK North Dakota dirt!
Ready for anything....

The Prince Bunch.....
What cute pumpkins....oh wait...those aren't pumkins....hehe!

My new favorite face of Konner's. He makes it all the time!! LOVE IT!!

Taking a walk in the Haunter Forrest.....(although to Kenna it was just trees)

Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch and had lots of fun!! We picked out some pumpkins, went pumkin bowling, went on a hay ride, went through half of a corn maze and then decided we didn't want to get lost with a toddler and a baby...then turned around!! It was cool but not too cold. It was a nice day~suprising for October in North Dakota!

Monday, October 15, 2007

The ballerina.....

Kenna and her ballet understudy....

Who said Tu-tu's were only for your waist!!???

Well Kenna got some early birthday presents from her Grandparents (they weren't supposed to be early....but mommy and daddy couldn't resist giving them to her). I got two dresses from the thrift store for 50 cents (love it!) and then the grandparents got a dresser full of clothes from Sams club. Kenna loved it as you can see.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Love our new pics!!

Well I finally got our pictures back from our favorite photographer. As some of you may know, we have our kiddos pictures professionally taken every month for the first year of their life. So our friend and photographer was in Lubbock right when we were about to leave. So we had her take Konner's 7 month a few of them together, and of Kenna. Who can resist a photo opportunity!! (ok I can....but not for my kids! ha!) Here are two of them that she has posted on her blog, and I will scan some more later and post them. I just thought I would share two of my favorites.....and get more later.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


When Kenna was 14 months old

Kenna at 23 months.........

Kenna and Kassie are best buds (or at least in Kenna's eyes). I am sure Kassie will learn to apprciate what Kenna has to offer evern more when she perfects her tennis ball throwing skills. Here is a picture them when Kenna was 14 months and now almost 2!! (in 2 1/2 weeks) My how fast time flies!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Let's bowl, Let's bowl, Let's rock 'n roll!!!

Yesterday some of us gals decided to take our toddlers bolwing! It was pretty fun.....Kenna was the only girl with three other boys...but she held her own as usual. Like usual, one of her favorite parts was the shoes! Looks like we have a shoe girl on our hands!

Kenna outside playing with her best bud....Kassie!

This is why I try to take off his clothes to eat. And this is with ME feeding him....can you imagine when he start feeding himself....we will need a tarp~~

Little behind.....

Well I am a little behind, but twoo weeks ago Keith, the kiddos and I went to the MOA (Mall of America) for two days. It was fun....but exhausting as anyone could imagine with two kids under two! While we were there the MOA was having military appreciation day in their amusment park,.....lucky us! So we all got to ride unlimited rides all day! My favorite part of the trip was seeing how much fun Kenna had on all the rides. She sqweeled with excitement on each one! We mostly did shopping for the kids....but what's new right!?

At night Konner had to sleep in his pack n play....and one evening she decided to join Konner for a breif second...and here are the two peas in a pod....