Sunday, February 24, 2008

Here are my cuties...

Kenna chose this hairdo.....not me. I usually don't do the three pony tail look....haha!
What a big boy.....he has eyes that could melt your heart!

OK so Kenna is getting harder and harder to have cooperate in taking GOOD pictures....but these will have to do :o)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Concert in Denver, CO

Well Keith and I went on a date to a rockin concert in Denver. It featured Christian artists Matthew West, Jeremy Camp, and Toby Mac. Jeremy Camp is Keith's favorite and one of my all time fav's. It was ton's of fun....and they were all GREAT! Toby Mac rocked the house...and had everyone dancing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dawn this is for you!

Ok my friend Dawn has been wanting me to take some pictures of the house....and I have been putting it off since it seems I can never keep the house clean for longer than 5 minutes. I clean it and then the Prince tornados come through behind me! haha! Sooo...anyway. I thought I would just take some pics and forget about it being clean. is an idea of some spaces....could be cleaner.....but you get the idea. I will post more as I get a chance.
A little cubby in our living room....I think it is supposed to be for a t.v. or something like that. well since we made our living room a semi-play room....I decided to make the cubby a dress up closet. Kenna has so much dress up stuff that it needed to be organized. So here it is closed....
Here is the inside
Our new entertainment/organizational unit that we bought from Pottery Barn when we first moved here. We used our "dity" move money that we earned from our move....thank you Keith and the Air Force!! Usually looks better but I just took a picture anyway!
One side of the fire our front living area
Other side of the fireplace in the room with the play area.

Kassie put's it to the test

Well...I bought Kassie a Purina Busy Bone Ultimate today. I read that it would keep a dog busy for an hour! I thought this would be a miracle if it could keep Kassie busy that long. That girl may look and act sweet....but she can tear through steel in 5 seconds if she wants too....including every bone we have gotten her. Well being that I have NOTHING else better to do...I decided to time it. It took her 33 minutes...which is actually a long time for her. So it would probably take any other dog three days. So....I give it a pretty good thumbs up.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This looks alot like I feel some days....haha! No...I love my little monkeys....and they can't help but want to hang on me! haha!
We finally added the purple "princess" tent that Kenna got for Christmas. She loves it and feels so big. Now if she would only stop taking off her clothes in the middle of the night and having accidents....that would be great. Her poor blanket is going to fall apart from all the washing!

Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm a big boy now!!!

We finally got Konner's 1 year pictures taken. They would have been sooner but the lady who was going to take his picture is having camera problems. Oh well...such is life. He is such a character. He is a ham....and I can't help but laugh at him. He is also so smart. I haven't really done baby sign with either kids....but I have shown Konner the sign for more a whopping 2x.....and they were not even close together time wise. Well I gave him some yogurt the other day and when it was all gone.....he seemed unhappy. I asked him if he wanted more yogurt....he stopped looked the refrigerator and signed more! I was shocked! I him some and was so proud of him!!

Kenna has been going through the terrible two's. It is amazing how they go from perfect to.....a "toddler" over night. I want the other Kenna back! Haha...kidding. She is still very sweet....but she is having A LOT more toddler two moments lately....which makes mommy have "I want to run out of the house and never come back" moments a lot more too. I am trying to relish in this time right now with the kids (as everyone advises me) but it is so hard. You are so tired...busy and just don't have the time or clear mind to sit and enjoy it!! I am trying though!