Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Shwew!! The things we do for beauty and to help a friend!

Well...Sara and Matty came over last night (Sara didn't plan on bringing Matty, but that is another story) to wax my legs and armpits. It was an experience. Sara thought I was a wimp....but after much discussion, we decided some people can handle different kinds of pain differently. Like me, I thought the legs hurt like nobody's business and armpits were fine. Sara thought the opposite. Also....I thought childbirth with the help of an epidural was a cakewalk.....Sara didn't think so. Soooo....moral of the story is, we all hurt differently. (That is profound...I know. HA!)

Kenna's 5 month pictures went well and she made it hard to choose a pose once again!! I tell ya, by the time she is 1 year old....she is gonna be striking a pose like there is nothing to it, voge (hey isn't that a song...hehe). I will have to post the pic when we get them in two weeks, which seems like forever and is already half way to her next picture session!!!

Today I have to go to the Dentist for possible TMJ. I am dropping off Kenna at Vanessa's house (from church) while I get that done. Tonight is the 2nd session of the bible study I am leading. The last one went well...but you always wonder what the other ladies are really thinking, whether they like the book, and whether they are going to get as much out of the study as I did. I have come to the conclusion I have no control over it!! It is out of my hands.

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

so, it went well huh...thought you were going to post a pic of those nicely waxed legs! :) Thanks for coming over yesterday, had fun again!