Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Off to the Twin Cities!!

Well we went to Minneapolis/St. Paul last weekend to catch up with our friend and old Utah neighbor Heather and her daughter Marin. We had a short but good visit. We had a early Thanksgiving dinner with them, her parents, grandmother and aunt. YUM!! On the way home we stopped at the outlet malls and did some shopping....which is always dangerous....but we did good. Overall we had a good trip!


Kathy said...

I bet it was fun to see Heather & Dave! Did Keith go with, too? I'll have to email you and get the scoop on what's new with them!

KPrince said...

It was only Heather...Dave was coming after we left. Keith did that was nice!

LeroyLime said...

I see ya'll had snow over Thanksgiving while there as well...funny we flew into where you used to live, lol!