Monday, January 08, 2007

Just thought I would show a picture of Kenna enjoying her Christmas present from mommy and daddy. She likes it...and so do I until she tried to stand on it and rock (on a hard wood floor). I am afraid she is going to put me into labor....I can't count the number of times she has almost bit the dust big time just this week!! The picture of her and Kassie has a rug burn on she was in a Little Tykes police car and proceeded to get out the wrong side, which flipped the whole thing over and sent her skidding on the carpet. Tonight she rolled around and ripped the scab off, made it 2x worse and now looks like we has been in a boxing championship!!! Let's hope our son will be the subdued one!!!!

1 comment:

LeroyLime said...

Ha ha...Kara, you make me laugh! Looks like Addie's rubbing off on Kenna with all the 'boy' playing! :) How's Konner man? Kicking to get out, I'm sure!