Sorry its been a while....the blog keeps being finicky!! Not much going on except preparing for Keith to deploy. YUCK!! He leaves in two weeks....and I am really trying not to think about it. I don't like the idea of being a single parent for 4 1/2- 6 months. Not my idea of fun!! Poor Keith is gonna miss the kids big time.....glad its not me!! I haven't been away from Kenna for more than 16 hours! And not more than 3 hours from Konner! (not is not gonna get better until he stops needing me as a food source......he is not taking a bottle!) UGH!! Here are some recent pics of the kiddos.
In other news, Keith turned 30 last week, Konner had his 2 month check up and is 15 lbs and 10 weeks old, Kenna is 29 lbs and 17 months old, and I am 30 and .....just kidding....I wouldn't dare divulge that information!! haha!
Today it is snowing and it is only 4 days until Easter!! That is crazy...what is up with the weather!!!???
Is it normal weather for North Dakota. I'm sorry that you are going to be a single parent for awhile. That can't be easy. Kami
I know...God was totally playing an April Fools joke on us, eh?! Cute pics, is there going to be an Easter egg hunt on base anytime soon, haven't heard anything...
Jami informed me it was last weekend, ooops! Maybe we'll take Addie to the one at the Alerus, are ya'll going to it?
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