Thursday, May 15, 2008


I knew when I woke up this morning and walked into Konner's room.....and saw this.....I knew the day was gonna be interesting. Poor guy either was either having serious stomach issues or bad teething diarreah.....either way this started 3 days of it!! Sorry if I grossed ya'll out!! haha!
It was jsut so disgusting I had to take a picture before I cleaned it all up!


Lisa said...

gross...i bet the smell was even worse. yuck!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me while I run to the toilet and barf...only mom's can truly appreciate this kind of picture, been there done that, hope you had fun cleaning it up :-)

LeroyLime said...

eeeewwwww, Kara, that's GROOOOSSSS! and I'm so glad I didn't have to help with that clean up, ha! I bet those jammies either went into the trash or are still soaking in oxy clean...