Saturday, August 29, 2009

28 Weeks Preggo (7 months)

6 Months Preggo ------^^^

7 Months Preggo --------^^^^

Well.....time does seem to going pretty fast in some ways....slower in others. I went to my Dr's appointment this week...and everything looked good. I gained 9lbs last month....that wasn't good....but what can I say?! Blood pressure was 107/70....and passed the glucose test, thyroid is still all is good on that front. She measured my 28 weeks it is supposed to measure between 25 inches and 31 inches.....I was measuring at 34 inches! Yikes! So....looks like this baby is following suite after their big brother and sister. My Dr told me that she would suggest that I lay off the sugar from now until the end....and only eat complex carbs and high protein in hopes that the baby wouldn't find a reason to sit in there and get "fat and happy". (her words not mine) I think I am doomed to have babies that are fat & happy!! Oh well....I will "try" and cut down...but what joys in life are left if you take away all the yummy stuff?!

The Dr is for sure going to induce me at 39 weeks if I am still that makes me being induced on Nov 12th. My mom is planning to fly in on the 11th. So....we will see :o) She said we could induce earlier....but we would have to do an amnio to prove lung maturity. No thanks I said. I can just wait....and hopefully nature will take its course. She said she just wanted to give me my options :o) Pretty sad that she is already pretty sure the baby will be big and willing to talk induction.


Caleb said...

Oh wow Kara. But at least you have a time frame to look forward to. Sorry about the sweets....anything you don't want feel free to send to me, just kidding.

LeroyLime said...

at least you look HAPPY!! :) 34 inches of BABY, WOW!! Good luck with the next couple of months girls

Kathy said...

I saw your comment on my blog -- you are so funny! It seems like I've been pregnant forever and it still feels weird for me to say "I'm pregnant," but it's going kind of fast for me. I'll be curious to hear about how your little one (or big one!) progresses...I suppose from here on out things will really start to change for the both of us! So far, mine is pretty boring although I have an appt on Thursday. I'm sure I'll find out more then.

Tanya said...

You look great Kara! Wish we lived closer so Kenna and Konner could come and play while you rested!